I attend 2 or 3 Breakfast meetings a week, many of them draw 30 plus business people. I also attend one Evening networking event and an occasionally a Lunch gathering.
I notice a difference between those before and after work to those at lunchtime.
At lunchtime you have more employed people from larger companies on an average. They are often better prepared. Is this because they have time to plan and print updated leaflets. If people have a shop or reception to man then the working day may not an option.
Do you share this view? If you go to these events do you think 'forced' referral are of a good standard?
I am surprised how few people I see from Local Authorities and 'Not for Profit' Business Support Organisations. Norwich has an excellent Business Library at The Forum but do people know about it? Occasionally an organisation will turn up at a networking event, however, they do not come monthly to build their relationships. Business knows one visit is not enough. I wonder if Local Authorities who spend £1,000s sending out questionnaires and carrying out research ever think that they would have a better understand if they spoke to the public? If they do speak to the public it is often at event they organise which are not a true cross section.
I wonder if an employee asked the council for £250 a year to join networking group what the reaction would be, although it might be a fraction of the cost of other means. Do Council's join Online (paid and free) networks?
Comments or details to ian.s@objectivesreached.co.uk or 01603 812296
Happy networking
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